Annual Summary – 2010
2010 was an interesting year – a few huge highs and lows. I went into the year with a very aggressive goal – my first 100 mile ultramarathon. My run training got off to a slow start because I was recovering from achilles tendinitis, but once I got over that, I never looked back. Despite the fact that I ran nearly twice as many miles as in any previous year, I didn’t suffer any real injuries and didn’t skip any planned races. I made a lot of new friends and spent the first nine months of year running and hiking all over the mountains of Southern California. I ran longer and further than ever before (by a lot!) and pushed myself harder than I ever have. I had great training days and rough ones with hard bonks. I saw the sunrise more often than I ever thought I wanted. And in the end, it all paid off with good race result after good race result, including, of course, my 23:14 finish at the Angeles Crest 100.
Some of my other favorite moments/pictures from the year of training and racing (the pictures that aren’t “mine” are credited in the original blog post):
A pause to say hi to Elizabeth during my “50k” at the L.A. Marathon in March:
My only triathlon of the year – Ironman 70.3 California, also in March:
A great training run in Palos Verdes in April:
Pacing Jimmy to his fantastic finish at Badwater in July (photo by Gareth Mackay):
Atop Mt. Whitney the day after Badwater:
With my incredible, selfless, infinitely patient crew at the Chilao aid station during AC100, in August:
Jimmy with my dog support crew at Chantry Flats, mile 75 during AC100:
Since I diligently keep track of this stuff, here are my 2010 totals:
I probably don’t even need to write that I ran more and biked and swam less than in any year since I started this blog in 2006. Training for a 100 mile ultra will do that. I did nearly all of that training and racing that in the first nine months of the year.
As I’ve written over and over again recently, I tried getting back into running too soon after surgery, without spending enough time to regain strength and flexibility. I guess I wanted too badly to prove that I could bounce right back. Lesson learned.
I’m still not exactly sure what’s in store for me in 2011, but I am definitely excited to find out!
Fun year. Heal up and get back on it so you can get some even better memories.
It will be fun to get smoked by you in a race later this year!
Great times, great memories for sure. Can’t wait to create more in 2011!
Great summary. Much to learn from you!
Great 2010, looking forward to sharing some trail with you in 2011. See you out there Josh.