
I gots some explaining to do

Yesterday, I posted this on Twitter:

“Waited 37 years, but finally got a tattoo this morning! And I decided to get 5 at once. #gobigorgohome”

I got a bunch of responses wanting details and asking for photos.  I didn’t really respond to most of them.

I did actually get five tattoos, but they’re not particularly cool tattoos or even particularly “tattoos” under normal definitions.  What they are is five little dots – three in a line down the center of my chest and one on each side of my body.  I got them at my CT Simulation appointment in connection with the radiation treatment I’ll be starting on December 13.  They’re so that they can line me up in exactly the same spot on the table for every radiation therapy treatment.

Here’s the one on my right side.

And a super close-up.  I asked the guy to do little tiny stars so if you look really closely…

Also, I need to admit something about the “hip” pain I mentioned the other day. I wasn’t being particularly honest with myself or you.  I have been having a little hip pain, but it’s actually worse in my low back, and radiates a little down my left hip and quad.  It’s always fine in the morning and gets progressively worse as the day goes on, to the point that walking the dogs in the evening after work is just about impossible without horrible pain.  Even just standing hurts.  Hmmm…. That’s not good.  Did I strain my low back?  Is my piriformis acting up?  Or do I have something pinching a nerve?  I don’t know.   I’ve had enough MRI’s recently – including one just two weeks ago – that I’m nearly certain that it’s not a tumor/growth.  But I could have done something to a disc or facet joint.  I haven’t even tried to run since Monday, which does not do good things for my general outlook or mood.  The nice thing is that I was able to swim yesterday and I actually did a 50 mile ride this morning, pain free.  I did a bunch of stretching after my ride and it’s OK tonight, but I’m not sure why.  Fun stuff.  Hopefully it’s just a small blip in my return to exercise.

5 thoughts on “I gots some explaining to do”

  1. Billy says:

    Dude, you’re hairier than I thought.

    No but seriously, good luck w/ the radiation treatment. Hope it knocks out that growth once and for all.

    As far as your lower back pain is concerned, I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it’s only something minor and that at least Kristin scaring the shit outta you gave u the impetus to find answers instead of continually running on it.

    Let’s hurry up and get you back to a 100%. We’ve got BIG plans in 2011!

  2. SanDiegoPJ says:

    Best of luck with the radiation treatment and I hope the low back pain truly is nothing more than a blip.

    Stay strong and keep moving forward!

  3. Hone says:

    Glad that you didnt get real tattoos. Those are for losers!

    Hopefully that hip pain goes the way of the Dodo soon.

  4. Stuart says:

    What is the picture if you join the dots?

    Fingers Xd on thehip/back issue

  5. afuntanilla says:

    maybe a chiropractor would help? hope it’s nothing major buddy

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