
Monthly Summary – October 2010

Here’s October:

Swim: 5,357 yards
Cycling (outdoors): 0 miles
Cycling (indoors): 0 (hours)
Run: 12.5 miles
Strength Training/Yoga: 6 sessions

Approximate monthly total training/racing time: 26 hours

Weight: 169

This month was all about recovery and coming back from my surgery. The last week of September and the first week of October, I did nothing more strenuous than walking the dogs around the neighborhood. During the next two weeks I started doing some hiking and swimming and then yoga and strength training. This week I added a little running back in – I ran Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, each time doing a run/walk routine. It feels great to be active again. I haven’t really tested my cardio yet, so it’s hard to tell how much I actually lost after the surgery. The one thing I can tell you is that I lost whatever little bit of flexibility I had.

My weight’s gone up, partly because I’m not working out like I usually do and partly (probably mostly) because I’ve been eating like crap. Whatever, whenever, including tons of sugary treats. I don’t mind putting on a little weight, but I can’t do it that way. And eating like that just makes me feel tired, lazy and heavy.

My plan is to continue to slowly increase the time and distance I’m running but also be sure to get in a fair amount of cross-training: swimming, cycling, strength and yoga. I can’t run that much right now and the other sports will help me get back my strength, fitness and flexibility for the 2011 races. As for nutrition, beginning tomorrow morning I am off refined sugar until Thanksgiving dinner.

2 thoughts on “Monthly Summary – October 2010”

  1. Stuart says:

    Shoot you have really run 1999.9 miles this year!

    Looks like a solid come back month!

  2. Hone says:

    12.5 miles for the whole month? I did that in less than a week. ha!

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