
It’s time

So this is it, huh?

It’s been six months since I found out that I need this surgery. Six months that went by in about a second.

Click here to read what I’ve written this year about the surgery.

In July 2007, a few weeks before my first Ironman and on the fourth anniversary of my original surgery in 2003, I wrote the story of that surgery. It’s still my favorite post on this blog.

I thought I’d be all profound and stuff in this post. But I don’t really have much left to say.

I did manage to get in two great runs this weekend. Twenty one miles in La Jolla Canyon/Sycamore Canyon yesterday and about 12 today in the Santa Monicas with Assaf. Pretty good way to start my break.

And now we’re here, and tomorrow at 7:30am, Dr. Langston Holly and the UCLA A-Team are going to cut me open and fix what’s wrong. (With the tumor anyway. There’s a lot that’s wrong that all known medical science can’t begin to fix.)

Wish me well, send good thoughts and positive energy and I’ll be back before you know it!

4 thoughts on “It’s time”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Good luck Josh!

  2. ilovesteaks says:

    my the force be with you and the doc!

  3. Chris Menjou says:

    Good luck Josh!

  4. Anibal Corsi says:

    Get well soon. Best wishes.

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