Kinesio Tape – Kinesio Gold vs. KT Tape
December 18, 2011 edit: KT Tape recently came out with a new product called “KT Tape Pro”. Click here to check out my review and a discount code (good until January 31, 2012)!
May 9, 2011 edit: It’s been nearly a year, but I just noticed that this post receives more traffic than any other post in the history of my blog. That’s great, but I need to be fair about this review. About two weeks after this blog post, I posted an update with a revised conclusion. Please read this review but also read the update to get all the information.
Followers of my blog might remember the achilles tendinitis that hit me last fall. It happened right as I was peaking for some pretty exciting fall races and I tried everything I could think of to get over it. One thing that did seem to help was kinesio tape. I still don’t understand how the stuff works, but running pain free coincided with applying the tape. For a while there, I was using the tape for every run. I applied it myself, following instructions for taping that I found online (I think this is the best video for achilles taping). Since getting over the achilles injury, I still sometimes use tape on my achilles and/or IT band, but only if I’m feeling a little twinge there. I’ve also put it on before most of my recent races, just as a precaution.
At first and for all the time until last month, I was using Kinsesio Tex Gold Tape, mostly because that was the first brand that was referred to me and I bought a couple rolls at this online store (I don’t think it’s available in local stores). It worked well enough – and by that I mean that I haven’t had any major achilles or IT band issues and the tape stays on once I apply it.
During the spring, a different brand of tape, KT Tape, started a social media campaign on Twitter, promoting their tape. They also started selling it at local sporting goods stores like Sports Chalet and Big 5. One day I happened to be in a Big 5 and saw the display, so I bought a box of the tape. It’s nice to be able to buy the tape at a store instead of having to order it online. One other difference between the KT Tape and Kinesio Gold is that the KT Tape comes pre-cut into 10″ strips with rounded edges and a split down the middle for things like wrapping two smaller strips around the calf muscle (like in the photo above). You have to manually cut Kinesio Gold and manually round the edges; it’s not a huge deal, but the way the KT Tape comes is a nice convenience – if the product otherwise serves its purpose.
But therein lies the rub. Convenience aside, I think KT Tape is a far inferior product and I cannot recommend it. The problem with it is that it just doesn’t stay on my skin. And if the tape won’t stick, then it’s worthless. The technique in putting on the two different brands is the same and I’ve now given the KT Tape five different chances. Twice on my achilles and three times on my IT Band. I’ve cleaned the area first and even used rubbing alcohol to get any residual oil or lotion off my skin (something I’ve never actually done with Kinesio Gold). But each time I put on the KT Tape, it’s falling off within a few miles. And that is unacceptable. At Bishop, I had the achilles tape flapping before the second aid station (5.75 miles) and had to stop to use scissors cut the dangling strips off. On yesterday morning’s run, the tape on my IT band started falling off about two miles in and by mile three I’d pulled it off my leg and tossed it in the trash.
I haven’t taken any courses in applying the tape, so there’s a chance that it’s human (my) error. But that doesn’t explain why I’ve never had this issue with the Kinesio Gold. The Kinesio Gold isn’t perfect and often I end up with a less-than-perfect strip, but it’s never started falling off like the KT Tape does each time I’ve tried it. In fact, most of the time when I put Kinesio Gold on, it usually lasts a few days, including multiple workouts and showers. (Note that it always falls off right away in the pool.)
I’m going to continue using kinesio tape when I get twinges or want to be extra careful, and I’ll recommend it to people with soft tissue injuries, but from now on, I’ll stick with the Kinsesio Tex Gold Tape. This is all proof that marketing campaigns and social media presence can get you a one-time customer, but unless you make a good product, repeat business is out of the cards!
It’s so strange that KT Tape doesn’t stay on you. I use it for my shin splints and it works perfectly. Maybe because your legs are hairy (just guessing there :)) What is the price difference between the 2 tapes?
I had a similar experience although it’s hit and miss, although I shaved my knee (ITBs) and that seemed to help, but sometimes it stayed on and others it was gone after a mile!
I will definitely check out the Kinesio as my ITB is flaring up!
Thanks for this post. I totally agree-the KT tape does not stay on. I am a female and have shaved legs! I am going to try the Kinesio.
thanks for the thorough review. i actually just got the kinesio tape yesterday (beige color) and used it on my knee. when i woke up in the morning, all of the tape fell off….i didnt even get a run out of them. i’m not sure what i’m doing wrong, or if the beige isn’t as strong as the black tape. i’m going to give the black tape a try. with that said, the pain was significantly reduced overnight…i was so surprised!
Thank you for the review. I have an awful quad pull, and an ace bandage, while it helps, just doesn’t cut it. I was sold on the KT Tape, until I started looking at reviews, and most are the same, about the LACK of adhesion.
I may try it, but only because I can pick it up at the local Dick’s Sporting Goods. Hopefully it can provide some pain relief.
Otherwise, off to the web for the TEX tape.
Thanks again!
I have the same problem with KT Tape, but I can’t even walk around with it for 2 hours without it falling off. Have you ever tried RockTape?
This is a great post, Josh. I picked up KT tape today for a short term fix. I will need to get the Kinesio tape and hope I can run again soon. Thanks for sharing.
I’ve got pes anserinus (bursitis on the inside of the knee). My physical therapist has put kinesiotape and it stayed on “forever”. I bought KT tape and it is already falling off within an hour. Yes, I am also female and also shave my legs. I also watched a number of instruction videos on application of the tape and nothing helps to keep KT tape to stay put.
Thanks for this info. I love KT tape but am having problems with it staying on. I have tried shaving around my knee (likely killing my wife’s razor haha) but it does not help. I have used tufskin (a skin adhesive – but that should not be needed.
I will give kinesiotape a try. I do understand it is the original. One thing that is nice about KT tape is that is has good online instructions for prestretching the tape, I guess the kinesiotape behaves similarly
Thanks all for your comments.
Anyone having trouble with getting the K-T tape to stick should read this follow up post to my original review: There are instructions in there about how to help make it stick. The biggest one is probably making sure that there is NO TENSION at the ends when you lay it down. Tension in the middle (per the instructions you can find online) is good, tension on the ends will make it come up right away.
Also, I found that KT Tape Pro sticks way way way better than the original. I think it might be a little more expensive, but it’s well worth it!
It’s been great to be informed here about KT Tape because recently I’ve amazed in KT tape because it seems great. Thanks for your informative blog
Sports Medical Tape
KT tape doesnt stick for me at all.. I play soccer and by the time I have wramed up it is 1/2 way off.
I worked at a physcial therapy clinic and we used kinesiotape all the time and rarely had problems with it falling off. My son recently had an injury and since I no longer work at the clinic and had no direct access to kinesiotape I decided to buy the KT tape. I agree it is far inferior and it fell off right away. I have been trained in applying kinesiotape and thoroughly read the instructions for the KT tape incase there were differences, but had no luck getting it to stay on even with some of the tricks of the trade I have learned. I say dont waste your money on KT tape.
I’ve used both KT Tape and Spider Tech tape and for me the Spider Tech tape tape lasted at least 3 days whereas the KT Tape was coming off after an hour.
I have tried KT tape on my arm, over and over. I shaved it completely, tried the hairspray, etc. The stuff is terrible at staying on. I even bought the “Pro” version and it is worthless. If they do not fix their adhesion issues, they will go under. I have heard “Rock Tape” is far better, and will try this.
I have read several comments about the lack of adherence of KT Tape. I have not used yet, but I have thought about doing. Then I will comment on the results.
I’m a PT. I prefer kinesio tape. I recently bought rock tape brand. It works well. They have different levels of adhesion. The “performance” is their stickiest. I have never tried KT tape.
In response to one of the comments the no tension at the end has nothing to do with how well it sticks. There are several different ways to apply depending on the effect you want.
To help it stick you”lock it down”. Once you have it where you want it, rub over it with your hand. The heat of your hand will help lock it down. Also try applying 30 minutes before your sport. Excessively oily skin can be prepped with a skin prep first.