
One more thing

About that last post.

It’s a little funny. I guess.

I hadn’t even added the Catalina Eco-Marathon to my blog “Future Race Schedule” or announced here that I’d signed up. (Even though I did on twitter.) That’s because I was waiting until after we met with the surgeon at UCLA to write a post that went something like this:

“I met with the surgeon at UCLA and he confirmed Dr. McCormick’s (the NYC surgeon) recommendation that I do the surgery within a year. That means that I’ll plan on taking care of it in early December and will finish out my 2010 racing season with the Catalina Eco-Marathon. That’s especially exciting because my achilles injury forced me to pull out of the race last year and because I have a few friends running the race this year.”

So it goes. Anyway, I haven’t made any decisions or ruled anything out yet.

3 thoughts on “One more thing”

  1. Dave Chan says:

    You’ll make the right decision whatever that may be. I wish you a speedy recovery!

  2. Billy says:

    I understand your dilemma (or as best as one could). You’ll figure out what’s in your best interest.

    Selfishly, I’d say do Eco and then opt for surgery, but if it means sacrificing more races in the future…well it’s clear cut at that point. And you (and “Elizabeth”) could still come with us and hang out on the island.

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do. We’ll support ya 100%.

  3. afuntanilla says:

    not easy decisions you face. i guess i would just point out that whichever way you decide, you will have to be ok with being “out” for a bit. i know you may miss races you really want to do, but just remember, those races will still be there the following year. (i know that doesn’t lend too much comfort!) 🙂
    i just want you to be careful so you can keep racing and inspiring us all!

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