
Monthly Summary – March 2010

Here’s March:

Swim: 10,268 yards
Cycling (outdoors): 98.2 miles
Cycling (indoors): 3:10 (hours)
Run: 153.7 miles
Strength Training/Yoga: 4 sessions

Approximate monthly total training/racing time: 36.75 hours

Weight: still no scale… whatever.

I’m going to spare you all anything too detailed this month. If you’ve been following along, you know that I’ve been steadily increasing my run volume and (somewhat sadly) drastically decreasing my time in the pool and on the bike. But, I’ve chosen this path and only have so many hours in the day to train. My goal for this year is to run, run, run and keep up some cross-training in order to hopefully avoid injury and boredom. I’d be happy with 10-12,000 yards/month of swimming and 80-100 miles on the bike. In truth, I’m more than happy to trade the 5-6 hour Ironman training rides for some 3-5+ hour trail runs.

March was a pretty good month. I feel pretty good physically and am having fun training and racing. I’ve been getting to know even more of the LA triathlete and running “community” and having a blast training with them. You can read my race reports from Ironman 70.3 California and the L.A. Marathon. Other than the family vacation to Puerto Vallarta, the only other really notable event from this month was finding out that I have to go back and have another surgery on my back. Sweet.

Here comes April. It starts with another race (third in three weekends) and will hopefully involve a lot of time on my feet!

Run – Mar 30
Distance: 7 miles
Time: 58 min.
Course: Griffith Park
Conditions: Evening, clear, low 50s

Indoor ride – Mar 31
Time: 45 min.

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