
AC100 Update

The race directors have recently posted a couple encouraging updates on the AC100 site. The gist of is that even though it looks like the Angeles National Forest will officially be closed until December 2010, the Forest Service is currently processing a special permit that will allow the race to be held as planned! That would be great! I won’t really celebrate until they announce that they actually have the permit in hand, but at this point, it’s looking very very likely

Training continues to go well. After two big weeks in a row, this was something of a recovery week. I “only” ran about 60 miles. I took two days completely off from running, did a few miles less each weekday and didn’t do a long run today. Saturday I met up with Sally for a run/adventure in Malibu Creek State Park. That was awesome. I’d run there all the time if it was more convenient.

If all goes as planned, this coming week is going to be another big one. And I’m headed towards yet another “biggest month ever” of running. More on that in my monthly summary in a few days.

One thought on “AC100 Update”

  1. Stuart says:

    Fingers Xd on the permit!

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