
AC100 Update

It’s now less than 12 weeks until Angeles Crest and we still don’t have an answer on whether or not the race is actually going to happen. In a lot of ways, it doesn’t really matter.  I have a back-up plan or two, so one way or another I’m running 100 miles in late August or early September.  But it would be really nice to know where I’m running those 100 miles!

We did get this optimistic email from Hal, the co-race director, this weekend:

I am assured by our FS [Forest Service] officer that if we get the trails in shape we should be able to get our special use permit to run the race Aug 28th (in spite of the burn area closure to the public) unless another large fire closes the forest. For the AC100 runners/workers and directors hard work pays off and we should never give up! Cal Trans getting Hwy2 reopened above LaCanada (where the Station fire started)remains our biggest challenge at present. Long drive thru Sunland off the 210 Fwy to access Shortcut Saddle is the option at present.

It’s obvious that the race directors want to put on a race and the Forest Service is still willing to consider it, but there is work to be done and some fingers to be crossed.

And by the way, holy sh*t that it’s less than 12 weeks away!

3 thoughts on “AC100 Update”

  1. Billy says:

    I have one that comes to mind should AC100 fall through the cracks…

  2. afuntanilla says:

    where would you run if AC is cancelled?

  3. ilovesteaks says:

    My injuries are still a nuisance, but it helps that I set the bar really low. 🙂

    I hope you’re able to run your 100 miler! That distance does not compute in my brain! 26.2 is plenty far for me.

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