
Badwater 2010 – Quick recap

I’m still trying to wrap my head around the amazing time I had (again) at Badwater and I promise that a full race (crew) report is coming, but for now, here’s a brief summary and a couple choice photos from the trip.

Jimmy kicked ass. His office time was 34:22:40, which put him in 16th place out of 73 finishers.  It was such an inspiration to be out there with him and the other racers we spent time around. Watching them all battle through the low low lows and come out running strong ought to really help in any challenge I ever take on.  And our crew was fantastic.  We had a blast together.  The above picture was taken just steps from the finish line.  It still gives me goosebumps thinking about that moment.  And the below picture says that all the 34+ hours of suffering was worth it a million times over.  

From a personal standpoint, I love being out there for this event. After crewing and pacing Blake last year, I knew that I wanted to come back and be part of this race again and again. But I did wonder if the second time would be as much fun as the first. IT WAS! I hope that I can be there every year – in one capacity or another :).

And here’s the official race video.  The team who puts this together does such a fantastic job.  Enjoy!

2010 Badwater Recap Video

Full race report to come soon!

2 thoughts on “Badwater 2010 – Quick recap”

  1. Aaron says:

    Yep, still convinced you’re nuts!

  2. Southbaygirl says:

    WOW! I’, in tears watching the video!!

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