Overdue Update – Monthly Summary- June and July 2017
In the nearly ten years that I’ve been writing this blog, I’ve written at least once every month. Or I had written at least once per month, until June. And then I missed July too. [Insert lame excuses, like travel, being busy at work, running around trying to keep up with Chase, etc. here.] In…
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Monthly Summary – May 2017 (and WIEM 50k Race Report)
May was a crazy month. It felt like non-stop insanity both at home and at work. I traveled a ton, especially in the second half of the month, during which time I slept at home three nights and took six cross-country flights, going back and forth to NY three times over the course of 15 days. Despite…
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Monthly Summary – April 2017
I ran a fair amount in April and the miles came – and added up – relatively easily. I’m in a pretty solid routine of running Tuesday and Thursday in the Santa Monicas (usually, Los Liones to Parker Mesa – the photo above is the view from Parker Mesa; spectacular morning view two mornings a week), Friday…
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Monthly Summary – March 2017
March was one of those months that just came and went. I ran a fair amount and very consistently. Some of the sunrises were better than others (and some were truly amazing), but there were no great adventures or new, special routes. I continued to run 4 or 5 times a week and never took…
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Monthly Summary – February 2017
February was a busy month, with two big life events: Chase turned one and I started my new job. We – well, really Elizabeth – threw Chase an amazing birthday party. It was a camping theme, complete with a tent, campfire, lots of forest animals and other decorations, s’mores deserts (thanks mom!) and a ‘coon skin cap…
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Monthly Summary – January 2017
The running ennui that I began feeling in December was even stronger in January. I still got out and ran 18 times, which is more frequent than every other day, and I never skipped a planned run, but more often than not getting out the door felt like a chore. Of course, once I was running, it…
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2016 Annual Summary
2016 was all about consistency in running and change in life outside of running. At the start of 2016, I had no idea what to expect from the year to come. Elizabeth was 37 weeks pregnant and the countdown to baby was really on. I was consulting for a few different companies and looking into a few…
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Monthly Summary – December 2016
I was feeling a little run-down at the beginning of December and a bit bored of running. I still needed to run and climb a fair amount to meet my 2,000 mile and 275,000 feet of climbing goals for the year, but was worried that just getting out and running would be a struggle. I…
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Monthly Summary – November 2016
I actually ran a race! It was my first race since the Ventura Half Marathon all the way back in January. We had originally planned to go on our usual trip to Wainscott for Thanksgiving, but when that got cancelled (see below), I decided to sign up for the Xterra Topanga Turkey Trot 15k. It’s a…
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Monthly Summary – October 2016
October was going along fine until it wasn’t anymore. After 10.5 years, Charlie’s heart gave out and he passed away last Friday, October 28. We are heart-broken. He’d been dealing with a heart condition for a few years, so while we knew he wasn’t totally “healthy”, his death came suddenly and shocked us to the…
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