
Angeles Crest 100 Mile Endurance Run – Part 4

I’ve built all this up over three posts with a lot of words (read: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), but now I have to admit that I remember very little of the last 25 miles. I know that it lasted 6:32 and time definitely wasn’t “flying” but my memories come in brief little flashes….

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Angeles Crest 100 Mile Endurance Run – Part 3

Kristin and I left Chilao and I still feel badly that she had to listen to me continue to bitch about getting lost, but I think she eventually distracted me enough that I mostly let it go. This section of the course showed tons of damage from the 2009 Station Fire. Huge hillsides bare of…

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Angeles Crest 100 Mile Endurance Run – Part 2

Photo by Elizabeth I left Eagle’s Roost feeling great. I was 30 miles in and through some of what I believed would be the toughest parts of the course. I was confident but also knew that I had two challenges ahead of me.  First, it was about to potentially get hot and second, and more…

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Angeles Crest 100 Mile Endurance Run – Part 1

I’m gonna start this race report at the end. The very end. I’ve written 14 words and I know this is going to be a long one. And the end is pretty much the best part. If you do read past the next paragraph, you’ll be “treated” to what I remember of this crazy experience…

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Monthly Summary – August 2010

Here’s August: Swim: 0 yardsCycling (outdoors): 0 milesCycling (indoors): 2:05 (hours)Run: 325 milesStrength Training/Yoga: 1 session Approximate monthly total training/racing time: 62 hours What a month! Obviously, nothing this month – nothing this year – compares to AC100. But I did also have a good race at Mt. Disappointment 50k, fun at Angeles Crest trail…

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23:14:11! 8th overall!

AC100 is in the books.  And I had a great day.  And for the most part, I had a ton of fun.  That was due in large part to all the wonderful support I had along the way.  There is absolutely no way I could have done this without my crew and pacers and friends…

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A Brief Letter

Dear Friends and Family, In less than 24 hours, I will toe the line for the biggest (longest) race of my life: The Angeles Crest 100 Mile Endurance Run. After months of training and planning and running(!), it’s finally just about here. And I’m so ready. I absolutely cannot wait. But, as always, I couldn’t…

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The Countdown Continues

Tomorrow morning we leave for Wrightwood. Race check-in and pre-race meeting. Then an early dinner. I am ready. I have to be ready. As I continue to bounce off the walls, I keep reminding myself of that. I know a lot can happen in 100 miles. But I put in the time and am ready…

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T minus 85 hours

Alternative title: “Taper Madness“ I’m actually not going that crazy.  Just a little.  My skin itches, I can feel my heart pumping through my veins and I’m having an even harder time than usual concentrating on anything. I do keep having these random daydreams.  Nothing too specific, I’ll have a quick mental image of the…

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Drymax Socks

For years, I was a very loyal wearer of Wigwam (formerly Ultimax) socks. I started wearing the Ultimax Cool Ultra-Lite Low in 2005 and continued when they rebranded them as the Wigwam Cool Ultra-Lite Pro a few years later and for years they were the ONLY sock I wore for running. They’re a lightweight low-cut…

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