
AC100 Update

The race directors have recently posted a couple encouraging updates on the AC100 site. The gist of is that even though it looks like the Angeles National Forest will officially be closed until December 2010, the Forest Service is currently processing a special permit that will allow the race to be held as planned! That…

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What I Want – Sports Watch UPDATE

In January, I wrote one of my “What I Want” posts describing my ideal GPS-enabled sports watch. In that post, I mentioned that Timex had announced a new watch – the Timex Ironman Global Trainer GPS Watch – that sounded like it could be the answer – or close enough for me to finally step…

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Kinesio Tape – Kinesio Gold vs. KT Tape

December 18, 2011 edit: KT Tape recently came out with a new product called “KT Tape Pro”.  Click here to check out my review and a discount code (good until January 31, 2012)! May 9, 2011 edit: It’s been nearly a year, but I just noticed that this post receives more traffic than any other post…

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After two fairly busy weeks in New York, it was really nice to finally get home late Thursday night. Away from the humidity and the craziness that is NYC and back to the craziness that is Los Angeles. I spent Saturday morning in the Santa Monicas for a nice mostly solo 25 mile run. And…

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88 miles

That’s my total miles for last week (Monday – Sunday). 88 miles is the most I’ve ever run in a week, and is more than I used to run most months! I’ve been regularly hitting between 65-75 miles per week, but I really want to start pushing myself a little and increasing my weekly mileage….

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AC100 Update

It’s now less than 12 weeks until Angeles Crest and we still don’t have an answer on whether or not the race is actually going to happen. In a lot of ways, it doesn’t really matter.  I have a back-up plan or two, so one way or another I’m running 100 miles in late August or early…

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Monthly Summary – May 2010

Here’s May 2010: Swim: 6,780 yardsCycling (outdoors): 0.0 milesCycling (indoors): 1:15 (hours)Run: 279.05 milesStrength Training/Yoga: 5 sessions Approximate monthly total training/racing time: 52.25 hours Another great month of running.  Twenty-five more miles than last month, which was already my biggest month ever by a lot.  And (knock, knock on wood), I’m still feeling good.  I…

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Ultimate Direction Wasp – Hydration Pack Review

(Eagle Rock, this morning) I hate carrying a ton of crap when I’m running. One joy of running for me has always been the ability to just get up and go. Shoes, socks, shorts, shirt (most of the time), hat, sunglasses, watch. For longer runs, I’ll carry a handheld bottle and if it’s not convenient…

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Going back to Badwater!

Lucky me! I am so psyched for the opportunity to return to Badwater this summer to crew another racer. Blake is not racing Badwater this summer, but Jimmy is and he invited me to be part of his crew. This will be Jimmy’s first time racing at Badwater; he crewed Jorge Pacheco last year so…

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Tour of California Time Trail/Running Tour of LA

Today was one of those ambitious days that work out perfectly. My plan called for around 15 miles of running. No problem – all of a sudden, that seems sorta easy. Also, today the Time Trial stage of the Amgen Tour of California was going on downtown. And a few elite pro triathletes (Chris Lieto,…

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