
Bishop High Sierra 50 Mile

8:32:27 Third overall. I feel like I ran a “smart” race and mostly accomplished most of my goal of treating this of something of a hybrid between a training run and a race. I did not injure myself. I did not push so hard that I’ll have to spend a lot of time recovering. And…

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Bishop High Sierra 50 mile Ultra in the books. Unofficial time = 8:32:27. Good enough for third overall! Thanks to everyone for your support! Full report to come soon.

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The Night Before

9 p.m. and I’m slowing things down to get into bed pretty soon. I’ve got a 4 a.m. wake-up for a quick breakfast, then picking up Gabi and heading to the start. Jimmy gave me specific instructions not to push it tomorrow, especially on the long climb for the first third of the race. It…

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News from Bishop

A few weeks ago, Marie, the race director for the Bishop High Sierra Ultramarathons sent out an email saying that there was still snow on the section of the course called “Edison Loop” which is a six mile loop from mile 17.4 until 23.4 during which you climb from 8,000 to 9,400 feet and then…

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One more thing

About that last post. It’s a little funny. I guess. I hadn’t even added the Catalina Eco-Marathon to my blog “Future Race Schedule” or announced here that I’d signed up. (Even though I did on twitter.) That’s because I was waiting until after we met with the surgeon at UCLA to write a post that…

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As I mentioned in March, I have to have pretty major back/spine surgery at some point in the coming months. It’s not a huge rush, but it has to be done. The surgeon who performed the operation in 2003 and has been following up with me since recommends that I have the surgery within the…

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Product Review – Zoot CompressRx Recovery Tight

Recently a pattern has emerged in my blog. My primary post each week is a summary of the running I did the previous weekend along with some vista photos like this (View from Temescal Ridge) and an obligatory self-photo like this This weekend was another good one for running – I ran 40 total miles,…

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I think I’m a “Trail Runner” now

I took a little spill on Saturday coming down Musch Trail near Trippet Ranch in Topanga State Park. Fortunately, I landed “well” and only ended up with some superficial cuts on my left leg, left arm and left hand. But the dripping blood looks pretty cool. As I noted on twitter, becoming a “trail runner”…

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Monthly Summary – April 2010

Here’s April 2010: Swim: 3,390 yardsCycling (outdoors): 0.0 milesCycling (indoors): 2:35 (hours)Run: 252.85 milesStrength Training/Yoga: 8 sessions Approximate monthly total training/racing time: 47.5 hours Wow, 252 miles on my feet. That’s huge for me. About 100 miles more than any month since I started the blog in 2007 and I never even barely approached those…

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Dreaming about AC

Last night I had my first AC100 “anxiety” dream. I think this was one of my first ever dreams about an upcoming race. I woke up at 4AM and remembered it pretty clearly… The race started and I was running with a female co-worker who is not a runner in real life. I remember running…

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