
Brooks Minimalist Shoes???

I’ve been reading up on some very exciting news from Brooks recently!

They’re finally adding some truly minimalist shoes to their line-up. The PureProject line will debut in October. From their official blog post, it sounds like they’re going to come out with five different models of minimalist, light-weight shoes with varying degrees of support. The goal for these shoes will be to “promote a natural ride” and give runners a stronger connection with, and feel for, the road (and hopefully trails) beneath them.

For more info, you can read the official post on the Brooks blog and definitely check out Pete Larson’s take at his blog, Runblogger. (Runblogger is one of my favorite blogs – really smart news and reviews about all things running, especially minimalist running shoes and studies on running form.  He has detailed reviews of most of the shoes listed below, and tons of others.  If you’re a runner, you should be reading his blog.)

I’m really excited about this announcement.  I’m a loyal Brooks shoe wearer.  For the past three or four years, I’ve logged probably 90% of my road miles in Brooks shoes – I’ve gone through lots of pairs of Defyance, Launch, Cascadia, Racer ST, Green Silence and Mach 12’s.  Their shoes consistently fit my feet better than any running shoes I’ve tried.* Early last year I became a member of Brooks ID, which is a nice Brooks-affiliated running community and gets me a discount on their products.

The collection of Brooks shoes currently in my closet.  The only ones I’m wearing now are the green and black Green Silence and the yellow and black Mach 12s in the right of the photo.  This doesn’t include the pairs I’ve given away in the past or the two pairs still in their unopened boxes.

BUT.  My first Brooks shoes were the 10.something ounce first generation Defyance.  I went through a bunch of pairs of those over a couple years.  Since then I have been moving to progressively lighter and more minimalist shoes.  Last year I ran a ton of miles in a few pairs of the Launch.  And still I want to go lighter.  So, right now I’m rotating between the Green Silence and the Mach 12.   I’m tempted to get a pair of the 6 ounce T7 Racer but the 12mm drop from heel to toe bothers me.  I like them all, but none of those shoes is exactly what I’m looking for. While Brooks makes some light-weight shoes, they don’t make anything really low profile, with a zero or small drop and a roomy toe box.  And as I look around at what other shoe companies are doing – especially Saucony (the Kinvara and A4) and New Balance (the Minimus line) – I’ve been getting serious shoe envy.  For the first time in years, I’m seriously tempted to branch out and try some other brands of road shoes.  (Those New Balance Minimuses look sweet and are getting great early reviews.)  So for a while now, I’ve been dreaming about the day that Brooks would come out with truly minimalist shoes.

Now it seems I just have to wait until October.

*The big exception here is the New Balance MT100.  I love running trails in those shoes.  Low to the ground, light-weight, fast, comfortable.  Brooks doesn’t make anything even close to comparable.  Yet.  *fingers tightly crossed*

6 thoughts on “Brooks Minimalist Shoes???”

  1. Billy says:

    Crazy how much the minimalist line is booming. Just drove past a billboard of a VFF knockoff by a bigtime shoe co.

    There is something to be said about lighter shoes…esp on the trails when you’re doing a ton of climbing.

    Good luck on your hunt.

  2. chan says:

    “There is something to be said about lighter shoes…esp on the trails when you’re doing a ton of climbing.”

    Got that right Billy!

  3. Hone says:

    They are a little late to the party arent they?

    The only brooks I have ever owned were a pair of T5s Racers. They were a good shoe and I still wear them around the house sometimes.

  4. Stuart says:

    Like you I have shelved my “heavy” shoes; Adrenaline’s, I like the Green Silences but I really like the Saucony Kinvara and for the trail Peregrines

  5. LoveOfShoes says:

    LOVE LOVE the Launch. Unfortunately, with my current foot/ankle injury, part of the remedy I am hoping is to move to a narrow shoe and Brooks doesn’t Launch in narrow! Bought my first pair of Defyance 2A a few weeks ago, moving away from the Adrenaline.

  6. happyrobyn says:

    I’ve been test wearing the Pure Cadence for a month or so and love them!!! The first pair of minimalist shoes I have run in and can feel my running getting stronger. My favorite thing about running in them … the roomy toe box and NO blisters at all! The first pair of shoes I have ever had where blisters have been completely eliminated.

    I’m sad though that they won’t last til October so I’ll have to find something to fill in when these wear out in a month or so.

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