Dreaming about AC
Last night I had my first AC100 “anxiety” dream. I think this was one of my first ever dreams about an upcoming race. I woke up at 4AM and remembered it pretty clearly…
The race started and I was running with a female co-worker who is not a runner in real life. I remember running on forest trails similar to the ones we worked on last Saturday (which happen to be at the end of the race). The next thing I knew we were at the turn-around point (there’s no such thing at AC which is a point-to-point race). Flashforward to later in the race when I was running on those same trails again and thinking that I was coming to the end of the race. But when I looked at my watch, I was around 12 hours into the race. Even in my dream I knew that was way way too fast to be approaching 100 miles. But I also felt it was too slow for 50 miles, so I was pretty confused.
When I got to the “finish” I found out that I’d only done 50 miles and still had another loop. And strangely my co-worker was already there hanging out and getting ready for her second loop. I started talking to her and found out that when she got to the 25 mile turnaround, I was fast asleep in a chair there. She thought I’d slept for a few hours! I didn’t remember falling asleep, but I also didn’t remember getting from mile 25 to the point just before 50. The last thing that happened before I woke up was I refilled my handheld bottle of Infinit and shoved three peanut butter and jelly sandwiches into a pocket before heading off for the second loop.
I wonder if my body is telling me I need to get some more sleep??