Good to Go!
Excerpts rom the latest AC100 update we received from Hal, the co-race director:
Lots of trail work has been done by our So Cal AC100 Trail Volunteers opening up fire and water damaged canyon trails like El Prieto and Silver Moccasin trails and PCT out of 3 Points. The old Curve fire, still falling down trees, across the PCT trail after Baden Powell were recently removed by the Camp Fenner inmate crews. The Edison Rd has recently been plowed below Shortcut Saddle. Mt Lowe fire road is being plowed this week and we will be able to drive to Millard Ckpoint on August 14th to fix the messed up 1 mile or so of west Idlehour trail. The BSA trail bosses/workers who help us every year with a project before our race may be able to help us fix a ravine wash out there.
The [Forest Service] is cooperating with our long standing and restoritive this year AC100 trail work efforts and as a long standing event, by giving us our special use permit to hold the race this year. We will cross about 15 miles of closed to the public burn area under our permit. Not too pretty here and there but passable. We have all done our best. Ken and I, et al will see you in Wrightwood for the mandatory briefing, ck in, weigh in on Friday 27 August.
I bolded that one sentence because it’s the one you really should read. I’m psyched!
I backed Saturday’s 50k training day up with about 20 miles on Sunday – 12 miles in the AM on the Backbone Trail and 8 afternoon miles on the road near home. For the morning run, Jimmy and I ran the Backbone from Malibu Creek to Kanan. It’s a good trail with a fair amount of climbing. I was a little surprised at how strong I felt after Saturday’s effort. The highlight of the run was getting up above the clouds and seeing this view:
I think you are in serious shape to pop a good one on race day. Great pics!