
Graduation Day!

I graduated from radiation this morning! 28 sessions over six weeks and I’m done. In truth, it wasn’t that bad. The staff at UCLA was fantastic, the side effects were minimal and manageable and I had fantastic support from Elizabeth, my family and friends all over the place, including many twitter friends I’ve never met in person! Thank you all!

Now, what will I do with that extra time every morning???

Quick weekend recap:

Saturday morning – as has been the habit recently – was for cycling and climbing. This week a big group of us tackled Topanga, Old Topanga and Stunt (~3,800 feet of climbing I think) and then cruised down Las Flores (which, because of the steep grades and tight turns and switchbacks was definitely the scariest descent I’ve ever done). It was another beautiful southern california morning!  Here we are at the top of Stunt:

Sunday – also as has been the habit recently – was for a hike with the dogs and Loren, Charlie and their dogs Birdie and Oscar. This weekend we went out to Eaton Canyon for the 3.4-or-so mile hike to the waterfall. It was a beautiful day and the hike was perfect for us to enjoy and for the little dogs to handle, but the trail was a little too crowded for my tastes and the waterfall area was a zoo. There are tons of creek crossings which were fun. The little ones weren’t about to ford the creeks on their own, so they got carried across each one. I did slip on a rock and end up with a fair amount of road-rash-looking torn skin on my elbow, but at least the two dogs I was carrying didn’t get hurt!

One thought on “Graduation Day!”

  1. chan says:

    I dig the diploma. Nice work man.

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