Monthly Summary – January 2011
I had a great time this month on the bike, particularly on the Saturday morning LA Tri Club Westside ride. We’ve been doing a fair amount of climbing, including doing Latigo twice this month. The picture above is at the top of Latigo last weekend (thanks to ride organizer Warren Selko for the picture).
I’m slowly, slowly finding my way back into running. My low back and hip are pretty much 100%, but I’m being super careful to come back slow and easy. I think the biggest barrier to my running right now is mental. I’m scared that I’ll do something wrong or come back too quickly and then be back to not running at all. It’s definitely a confidence thing, but each little run/walk I do, my confidence grows. And anyway, there’s absolutely no reason to rush it.
My biggest “accomplishment” this month was finishing radiation. As I’ve stated ad naseum here, it wasn’t nearly as bad as I feared, but it was still a huge relief to get it over with.
The other news that’s been developing this month is about a new triathlon team that I’m joining. It’s an effort – spearheaded by Warren Selko and Mike Ireland – to raise money and awareness for a non-profit dedicated to fighting childhood cancer. More to come about this soon!
I’d say solid month but that would only cover the training…HUGE month with the graduation. Congrats again.
If it makes you feel any better I can sympathize with the mental anguish of adding miles. Every time we up my work load I have to be talked off the ledge and reassured that everything is going according to plan.
Keep doin work!
You’re getting there dude and I appreciate your conservative approach to it this time around. Keep at it man!
Nice! You’re inspiring me. In fact, I’m getting on my mountain bike in the morning. Do I need to have all that cool gear like you’re wearing in the pic?
That is sweet Josh. Keep at it!
That’s great news josh. hope to hear more about that new tri team soon!