Monthly Summary – July 2010
Here’s July 2010:
Swim: 1,640 yards
Cycling (outdoors): 0.0 miles
Cycling (indoors): 1:20 (hours)
Run: 373.80 miles
Strength Training/Yoga: 3 session
Approximate monthly total training/racing time: 81.25 hours
Did I really run 373 miles this month? I double and triple checked it, and yes, I did. When I ran 308 miles in June, I mostly figured that I wouldn’t be able to beat that. But in July I took training to a whole other level. Things took a big turn in connection with Badwater, about the time I said goodbye to 3-4 hour “long” run training days and hello to 6-9 hour long run training days! In the 2.5 weeks since Badwater, I’ve done five training runs that lasted longer than six hours, including climbs up Mt. Whitney and Mt. Baldy, long days on the Santa Barbara Nine Trails course and the beginning of the AC100 course and today’s run in the Saddleback Mountains. I’ve done some great running and hiking and been getting in super long days on my feet. Wow! (Again, almost no swimming or cycling this month. As I’ve been saying every month, I’d really like to spend more time swimming and cycling, but that’s not what this summer is about!)
Today, I finished off July with a great run with a group of San Diego Bad Rats on the course of the Los Piños 50k in the Saddleback Mountains. The Los Piños 50k is a brand new race debuting this November. The course is tough, tough, tough, but beautiful (the pictures in this post are from there today) and if you can hack it, I bet this will be a great race. (I’ll be recovering from my surgery, otherwise I’d probably be signing up!)
Solid Josh…solid. You’re gonna rock AC!