
Monthly Summary – June 2010

Here’s June 2010:

Swim: 1,640 yards
Cycling (outdoors): 0.0 miles
Cycling (indoors): 1:00 (hours)
Run: 308.7 miles
Strength Training/Yoga: 1 session

Approximate monthly total training/racing time: 45.5 hours

Another biggest running month ever. 308 miles in a 30 day month is averaging more than 10 miles per day. Wow. If you’d have asked me a few months ago whether I thought I could survive that volume of running, I would have thought “No way!” Now, I’m thinking that while that was a tough month, I didn’t have to kill myself to do it. And I think I can do it again. Here comes July, so we’ll soon find out!

Running that much didn’t give me a whole lot of time to do anything else, as is evidenced by my low low low swimming and cycling numbers. The one strength training/yoga session is a little deceptive. I only took one yoga class (the trip to NY got in the way), but I have been keeping up with some basic strength and core training on a regular basis. Usually, it’s just 10-15 minutes whenever I can fit it in, so I don’t count it towards the log totals.

June was marked by the two week trip to New York, which was a nice mix of fun, family, running and work. I ran all over the lower half of the City and parts of Brooklyn (but never got up to Central Park). In addition to my runs in NYC and East Hampton, I ran all over LA, and did a good job mixing up routes and splitting time between trails and roads. I capped off the month with a fun run up misty Temescal this morning with Peter and Katie.

I’m looking forward to another big training month in July. And July also means Badwater. Very psyched to get back there in a couple weeks! As always, I’ll keep you posted on everything!

One thought on “Monthly Summary – June 2010”

  1. Stuart says:

    Monster monster month!

    Great job!

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