
Monthly Summary – May 2010

Here’s May 2010:

Swim: 6,780 yards
Cycling (outdoors): 0.0 miles
Cycling (indoors): 1:15 (hours)
Run: 279.05 miles
Strength Training/Yoga: 5 sessions

Approximate monthly total training/racing time: 52.25 hours

Another great month of running.  Twenty-five more miles than last month, which was already my biggest month ever by a lot.  And (knock, knock on wood), I’m still feeling good.  I had a little knee pain scare in the middle of the month, but that didn’t last more than a couple days and has since gone away.  I think I’m being fairly smart about the volume – taking days off, getting semi-regular massages, using the Trigger Point Products, the Stick and the foam roller all the time, taking arnica and using Traumeel.  Something’s working.  
As far as training goes, I didn’t do much besides running.  A few pretty mediocre efforts in the pool, a little bit of time on the trainer and some yoga.  Not that I’m surprised or complaining.  Running is the focus, and with the amount of time I’m spending on my feet, there’s not a whole lot of time for much else.  I would like to get outside on the bike now and then, but it’s tough to try to fit it in around the running.  
The highlight of the month, other than some great training runs was the Bishop High Sierra 50.  I had a great – and really fun – day out there.  
With just three months to go until Angeles Crest, I’ve got to just continue doing what I’ve been doing: slowly ramping up the miles, spending a lot of time on trails and learning more and more about how my body reacts to long days and long weeks of running.  

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