
Monthly Summary – September 2010

Here’s September:

Swim: 0 yards
Cycling (outdoors): 0.0 miles
Cycling (indoors): 0:30 (hours)
Run: 113.6 miles
Strength Training/Yoga: 2 sessions

Approximate monthly total training/racing time: 21:45 hours

September was at best a 2/3 month. I was recovering from AC then had my surgery and continue to be in the midst of recovery. I haven’t done anything active in 10 days.

And October is going to be another super light month. Recovery is going really well. I’ve been weaning myself off the pain meds and I’m just starting to feel comfortable walking around. My pretty staples come out on Tuesday. But it’s going to be a little while longer before I’m allowed to do anything active, let alone running. As I keep telling myself – this is a break that my body needs. I’ll heal and recovery and when it’s time, I’ll be back doing what I do. Patience.

And thank you all for all the support surrounding my surgery. Your notes and emails were so nice to read and helped me get through it all.

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