
The Countdown Continues

Tomorrow morning we leave for Wrightwood. Race check-in and pre-race meeting. Then an early dinner.

I am ready. I have to be ready. As I continue to bounce off the walls, I keep reminding myself of that.

I know a lot can happen in 100 miles.

But I put in the time and am ready to have some fun and muddle through some struggles. I am just about as physically prepared and mentally prepared as I could be. I feel more ready for this one than I have for any other big race I’ve done. I have trained with, and learned valuable lessons from, some of southern California’s finest ultramarathoners. My most special thank you’s go out to Jimmy and Tommy and Scott and Dom.

Now it’s all on me.

If you’re interested in following along on Saturday, they supposedly have excellent race-day tracking at On the left hand side, there’s a link for “Live Results”.  I am bib number 210.

Don’t worry, this probably isn’t the last time you’ll hear from me before Saturday morning!

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