
What I Want – Sports Watch UPDATE

In January, I wrote one of my “What I Want” posts describing my ideal GPS-enabled sports watch. In that post, I mentioned that Timex had announced a new watch – the Timex Ironman Global Trainer GPS Watch – that sounded like it could be the answer – or close enough for me to finally step up and get a GPS watch.

I’ve been keeping track of the release of the watch and reading some pre-release press. The watch isn’t officially going to be released until this fall, but as of June 15, REI got an early exclusive on it. It looks cool and has got a lot of great features. It’s also been getting relatively good reviews regarding performance (check out DC Rainmaker’s review), but from the specs and pictures I’d seen, I was worried about the size (Tundra Transition Zone had exactly that problem and sent his back to REI!). I was really excited to see it for myself.

So, I went to REI the other day to see it in person. I walked in prepared to buy it if I liked it. But I walked away empty-handed. Unfortunately, it is way too big. Granted, I don’t have huge wrists, but this watch is as big as a dive watch and probably a little heavier. Maybe people with big wrists or who are used to wearing heavy watches can wear it. It’s a little bigger than the Garmin Forerunner 310xt, so if you’re used to that, maybe this won’t see big to you. I wish I’d taken a picture of it on my wrist. Instead, you’ll just have to trust me. I thought that technology was making thing smaller and sleeker!

 The salesperson at REI told me that while a number of people have come in to look at it, as of that day, no one had bought one from her. (Interestingly, though, I checked today and it’s sold out – or otherwise not available – there.)  My friend, Assaf (who I fault/credit for getting me into this endurance madness in the first place), pre-ordered one from REI and wrote me last night to say that he was returning his – saying that it was just too big.  He was also having some technical problems with it getting a satellite signal and thought that some of the features are overkill for a runner.

Back to the drawing board for me on this one…

p.s. my heart is still racing from that goal this morning!  wow!

4 thoughts on “What I Want – Sports Watch UPDATE”

  1. Billy says:

    I just purchased the Garmin 110 a couple of days ago after my 305 died.

    Should get it in a couple of days but it’s supposed to be lower profile and very basic, displaying pace/time/distance.

    Cons: only an 8-hour battery life when used in GPS mode.

    Will hopefully be able to show it in person soon. Anxiously waiting for it.

  2. Stuart says:

    I saw it REI the other day and holy moly that’s big!

  3. HoNe says:

    Alright dude. GPS is for the birds.

    You triathletes kill me with all of your fancy hardware!

    BTW if you dont have plans we should get a good group run planned for next Sat. Something brutal but fun.

  4. morey000 says:

    I love small gadgets- so the 405 is the one for me. Although not the most stylish- I can actually wear it as a watch. The bezel works for me since I don’t perspire much and I live in a dry climate.

    I think the problem isn’t that it’s so big (as if the 305 doesn’t look like a laptop on your wrist), but that given the sharp design, it seems smaller in pictures and it surprises you.

    I’ll stick with my Garmin for now.

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