
Broken. For real.

This is what your clavicle is supposed to look like:

This is what mine looks like after a little bike crash yesterday morning:

I’ll explain more about the accident/fall soon. Thankfully, other than the clavicle, I’m fine and my bike escaped totally unscathed.

Right now, I’m in a sling, doing research to find an orthopedic surgeon to evaluate whether I should have surgery or simply let it heal. In most cases with a broken clavicle, they just let it heal without surgery and it usually eventually comes back 100%. But there are some potential advantages to surgery. And some risks.

Either way, I’m out of commission for the near future. What a bummer. But broken bones heal and – at some point – I’ll be back, good as new!

4 thoughts on “Broken. For real.”

  1. LoveOfShoes says:

    oh no!! Sounds like you’re in good spirits, hope you get good news from the doc. I had a crash last week, but was lucky that other some deep bruises, my bike took most of the impact. Rest up!

  2. Dave Chan says:

    Ugh. Sorry to hear the news. Maybe you can take this opportunity to become part robot?!

  3. Billy says:

    This is why triathlons suck.

    Haha, just kidding. Seriously though – you’re mentally tough and have one of the better outlooks on rough times out of folks I know. You’ll get thru this speedbump and come back stronger than ever.

    Heal fast!

  4. Paula Smith says:

    what happened with your collarbone?

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